Rococo Essay

The Ask

Create diary entries of an artist of the time to display knowledge of the time period.

The Process

To begin I researched things people were interested in at the time which included the royal family and those who were commissioning art. Being so intrigued by Pajou’s work and Psyche Abandoned I put myself in his shoes for the years he put into creating this masterpiece, utilizing proper currency and language from the time to fit the assignment better.

Art History

Historical Research

Creative Writing

Art History ⋆ Historical Research ⋆ Creative Writing ⋆

Skills Used

I began researching the origin of Pajou’s Psyche Abandoned and discovered he was creating her to counterpart the immortal sculpture crafted by the legendary Bouchardon himself—Cupid.

The Outcome

Diary entries stating Pajou’s process, timeline, and internal monologue as he sculpted this masterpiece.


Buying project


Behind the Scenes